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Call for Case Studies on Rural Teacher Policy and Practice


International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF)

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED)


UNESCO INRULED and TTF are jointly developing a new module for the Teacher Policy Development Guide (TPDG) focusing on rural teachers. The TPDG module on rural teachers will be an independent module, elaborating on the nine dimensions of the TPDG to suit rural contexts. This new module on rural teachers emphasizes equity and social justice, extending its focus beyond rurality to tackle the broader issues of marginality and inequity that exist in society.  For more detailed information, please refer to the summary report.

Call for case studies

We invite submissions of case studies that highlight innovative solutions in supporting rural teachers and education. The rural TPDG will compile global case studies showcasing effective rural teacher policies, interventions and strategies, along with their implementation. By incorporating these successful initiatives, the guide aims to provide policymakers, practitioners and researchers with actionable strategies to support rural teachers and enhance rural education systems, ultimately ensuring equitable and quality education for all.

Types of case studies

There are three types of case studies which are welcomed as below:

Individual Country Case Studies

Regional Case Studies

Regional Case Studies with Selected Country Exemplars

The selection of regions or countries will focus on those experiencing significant challenges or demonstrating exemplary practices in providing qualified and motivated teachers in rural contexts. Case studies specifically addressing conflict and post-conflict situations in rural regions are particularly encouraged.

Dimensions of rural teacher policy

Authors can focus on one or several of the following dimensions:

Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Initial Teacher Education

Teacher Continuous Professional Development

Teacher Deployment

Teacher Career Structure/Path

Teacher Employment and Working Conditions

Teacher Reward and Remuneration

Teacher Standards

Teacher Accountability

Teachers and System/School Governance

Teachers and Community Relations

Case Study Structure


Country/Regional Context

Data and Methodology

Background of the Focus Dimension(s)

Dscription of the Policy/Intervention/Strategy

Discussion of the Outcome and Impact

Lessons Learned


For more detailed information about the case study template and the structure of the rural teacher module, please click here.

Length and format

The case studies will be approximately of 8,000 to 10,000 words in length (excluding appendices, annexes and bibliographies) written in the English language at a very good level. It will also include an abstract for a non-technical audience.


Please submit your initial ideas for the case study by filling out the Google Form no later than 31 March 2025.

A Q&A session is planned to be organized between March and April.

For any inquiries, please contact Ms Siyao Wang at siyao.wang@bnu.edu.cn.

Use of Case Study

Case studies will be integrated into relevant discussions of each dimension of the rural teacher module, as appropriate. In addition, good case studies will also be compiled a compendium for good practices and circulate as key resource accompanying the rural TPDG.

A specific amount of funding will be provided to high-quality case studies once selected, with consideration given to geographic balance.

We look forward to hearing from you.

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education