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UNESCO INRULED Offered a Summer Course on“Gender Equality and Rural Revitalization”

In order to raise students' awareness about the role of women development in rural revitalization, UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED) offered a summer course on "Gender Equality and Rural Revitalization" for undergraduates from Beijing Normal University from June 28 to July 2, receiving warm response in student application and attendance across different majors. The course combined the methods of classroom teaching and study tours to help students identify the important role of women development in rural revitalization and cultivate their capability for carrying out research related to rural issues.


Lecture 1: Gender Equality and Rural Women

Lecture 1 was given by Ms. Wang Yiyi and Prof. Zhang Lili from INRULED. Ms. Wang first introduced the basic concepts of gender and then elaborated on the issur of gender equality. Based on the UN's convention on eliminating gender discrimination, Ms. Wang reflected on the current situation of women empowerment in rural China. Then, Prof. Zhang Lili, chief expert of INRULED, adopted examples to illustrate on gender theories and relationships between women development and rural revitalization. Students actively participated in the class by sharing their own opinions and experiences.




Lecture 2: Development Concept and Rural Revitalization

Lecture 2 was given by Prof. Zeng Xiaodong and Ms. Fang Yuanan from INRULED. Prof. Zeng Xiaodong, executive director of INRULED,introduced the evolution of the development theory following the procedure of identifying the topic, sorting out theoretical framework, clarifying the specific indicators and taking actions. Then, Ms. Fang Yuanan introduced the changes in rural areas around the world by analyzing domestic and international cases of poverty alleviation. At the end of the lecture, Prof. Zeng answered students’ questions and encouraged them to envision their own future career plans.





Lecture 3: Introduction to Research Methods

Lecture 3 was carried out by Dr. Zhao Tongtong from INRULED. Dr. Zhao illustrated the research methods and pointed out the importance of literature review, hoping to give students some insights on their research design and implementation. Then, students discussed the background information of the interviewees, designed the outline of the interview and familiarized themselves with the interview scenario in the afternoon.





Social Investigation

Students were divided into 3 research groups with 6-8 students each. Field visits were carried out in Hefangkou Village in Huairou District of Beijing, Western Sunshine Foundation for Rural Development and Photosynthesis Child Development Center. The interviewees were mainly rural women, heads of rural education public welfare institutions and female preschool teachers. On the last day of the course, students shared their reflections and findings. Based on the data collected, Dr. Zhao Tongtong further elaborated on how to analyze the data and write research reports.


Picture 1: Beijing Western Sunshine Foundation for Rural Development 


Picture 2: Investigation in Hefangkou Village in Huairou District, Beijing


Picture 3: Photosynthesis Child Development Center


This lecture on "Gender Equality and Rural Revitalization" marks INRULED’s first attempt to offer courses to undergraduates at Beijing Normal University. We hope to promote gender equality and arouse interests to the theories and practices of development, cultivating an interdisciplinary perspective in the minds of students.

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education