Lancang-Mekong Countries' Capacity Building Workshop on Education for Sustainable Rural Development held


On April 23, 2024, the Lancang-Mekong Countries’ Capacity Building Workshop on Education for Sustainable Rural Development was successfully held at Beijing Normal University. The workshop was co-hosted by the China Institute of Education and Social Development at Beijing Normal University, UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (UNESCO INRULED), the Chaipattana Foundation, Hebei Agricultural University, and Yunnan Agricultural University, with guidance and support from Secretariat of National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO and Beijing Normal University. The workshop attracted rural education policymakers, experts, practitioners and youth representatives from Mekong Sub-region, with over two thousands more attending online.


At the opening ceremony, Prof. Zhou Zuoyu, Vice President of Beijing Normal University and Director of UNESCO INRULED, along with Mr. Robert Parua, Education Programme Specialist, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia (UNESCO Beijing), attended and delivered opening remarks. Prof. Wei Hongjiang, Vice President of Yunnan Agricultural University, and Ms. Adhinand Indrapim, Minister Counsellor (Agriculture), the Royal Thai Embassy, Beijing, also delivered remarks via video. The opening ceremony was chaired by Dr. Zhao Yuchi, Executive Director of UNESCO INRULED.


Keynote Speeches


Country Report and Good Practice Showcase

During the meeting, more than 40 researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders in the fields of education and rural development from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and other countries were invited to participate in the exchange and dialogue. They delivered speeches on the theme of "Education for Sustainable Rural Development" and explore the new approaches in this regard. In addition to keynote speeches, the workshop included a session for sharing national case studies, where experts and practitioners from various countries shared their outstanding practices and challenges in rural development, paving the way for new ideas in rural development.


After the meeting, 18 delegates from six countries in the Lancang-Mekong region embarked on a three-day field visit in Beijing and Hebei province. The delegation visited the World Food Programme (WFP) China Office to learn about South-South Cooperation initiatives and projects of WFP Centre of Excellence in Rural Transformation (WFP China COE). In addition, the delegates visited various sites such as Huangwan Village and Baiyangdian in Xiong'an New Area, and demonstration villages for poverty alleviation including Luotuowan Village and Gujiatai Village in Fuping County, Baoding, Heibei Province. During the visit, they gained insights into the practical measures and achievements of China's poverty alleviation efforts, learned about the digitisation-driven model for modernising agriculture, exchanged ideas on rural industrial development paths with multi-party cooperation involving government, universities, enterprises, and village collectives. They also experienced and appreciated the captivating charm and heritage of Chinese culture.


The field visit concluded successfully on the 26th, with Prof. Zhao Jianjun, Vice President of Hebei Agricultural University, delivering a closing remark presenting certificates to the delegates.

The workshop along with the follow-up field visit helps establish an academic exchange and practical action network in education and rural development among Lancang-Mekong countries. Moreover, it will strengthen traditional friendships among the countries and contribute to the construction of the Lancang-Mekong Community of Shared Future.

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education