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Biennial Report 2022-2023 


It is with a profound sense of purpose and commitment that we reflect on the journey of the UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED) over the past two years. This report encapsulates our unwavering dedication to ensuring that every learner is endowed with equal opportunities for educational excellence that will lead to the sustainable development of the rural community.

As the world enters a critical juncture marked by the midpoint of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we find ourselves at a crossroads, faced with unique challenges and unprecedented opportunities. The global landscape of education has been reshaped by technological advancements, socio-economic shifts, and environmental concerns. In this evolving context, our mission to bridge the urban-rural educational gap gains even greater significance. We acknowledge the complexities of this endeavour, yet remain optimistic about the transformative power of education in driving sustainable development.

During 2022-2023, INRULED has been especially focused on “Working as a Network”, expanding our reach, and strengthening our role as a platform for exchange and collaboration. This initiative has been instrumental in fostering dialogues, sharing best practices, and encouraging innovation in rural education. By connecting diverse stakeholders - from policymakers and practitioners to researchers and community leaders - we have cultivated a rich tapestry of perspectives and expertise, essential for addressing the multifaceted challenges of rural education.

INRULED’s Governing Board convened its Session On 9 December 2023, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to rural education and sustainable development. This Session has endorsed the new leadership team, the Mid-Term Strategy (2024-2029) as well as the 2024 Workplan and Budget, which has built momentum for INRULED’s programmes and activities in the coming years.

Recognising that sustainable development is rooted in robust institutions, we have dedicated resources and efforts to strengthen the capacity of institutional governance management and staff performance. In addition to these areas of enhanced effort, INRULED has continued driving progress and innovation in our main domains of work, including conferences, research and publication, and capacity building.

As we look towards the future, we reiterate our commitment to the targets of Education 2030, which can be reflected through every activity that we have organised. Therefore, we invite you to delve into this report and walk alongside us in our continued pursuit to drive educational development in rural communities.

Director, INRULED

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education